It was a cold day in Moscow; grey heavens were raining above the city and literally reigning in the small club Teatr, where Omnium Gatherum presented their opus magnum - their seventh "heavenly" album. It's been a long time since the musicians have visited Moscow, so they were glad to have a little talk few moments before the show about the conceptuality of "Grey Heavens" and their all-life dreams and goals.
Hello, guys! We are glad to welcome you in Moscow once again! As far as I remember, last time you've been here only once, in 2009, right? Why is there such a time gap?
Markus: We literally disappeared (laughs) It's crazy that it has been 7 years ago. We had some shows booked here, but then something happened and the promoter cancelled them, and then... I don't why it took so long, but I'm glad to be back here finally now!
And we are glad too! You came to Moscow with your new tour program, bringing us your 7th album "Grey Havens". It's been 13 years since your first longplay came out and almost 20 years since your first demo. How can you describe the changes that the band's been through, the process of making music, the way you treat your fans and environment?
Markus: Music has changed, people have changed along the way... and a lot has changed. The way of doing music is completely different than it used to be, because in the old days it was like... having a hundred of band rehearsals and one gig, nowadays it's hundred of gigs and one rehearsal, so it's completely opposite. Now we don't compose much music during the rehearsals because we practically don't have time for them. All gone online!
I really liked the cover of your new album. Correct me if I'm wrong, its author is Olli Lappalainen, who has worked with you since the very beginning. What stands behind the symbols on the cover of "Grey Heavens" - I mean, the new and the old moons, the eye in the middle of it. Is there a hidden message?
Markus: It's Jukka's things!
Jukka: Well, basically it's the circle thing, of... you know, if you wanna say it...
Circle of life?
Jukka: Yes, a circle of existence, maybe, in a way, because it also includes smaller things in that and it also has to do with the positive and the negative aspects of one's field of comprehension. And the eye is a clich?, but it's a good one because it's the metaphor for understanding, it's kinda like the circling thing.
Like the daily fight with good and evil?
Jukka: Basically, yes. But it also if you jump into the lyrics you can also find that it's not just the fight, more like the balance of those things, not a collision.
Markus: Black and white, night and day, the living and the dead... ; Jukka: Olli has always understood really well the things - he's been able to represent visually really well the things that are entangled in the lyrics and in the titles of the songs and the whole meaning that we as a band say, especially for me as a lyricist it's really important to be able to communicate with the artist who illustrates these things and Olli has done an amazing job. I tell his my ideas, we have a dialogue on this thing. He does some sketches and sends them back to me and Markus.
Markus: Olli is basically the seventh member of the band, he's been with us since the beginning.
He knows what you want, right?
Markus: Yes, he knows... what he wants. (laughs) He always listens to the demos of the new music and kinda illustrates the lyrics.
That's a perfect cooperation.
Markus: It's a special situation, because not many bands have this kind of seventh member by their side.
You're treating the new album as your best work so far. Concerning this, Markus, you said the following: "I’m really proud of how the “Grey Heavens” album came to life (or death), even the previous “Beyond” album and tours set the bar and stakes sky-high". Does that mean that with every album you set the bar and try to go on a higher level?
Markus: But of course! That's what perfectionists do! (laughs) And it would be stupid to say: "Well, this new album is okay, it's almost as good as the old one!"
But history knows certain exceptions - with KISS, for example, the case of "The music from the Elder"...
Markus: Yeah, but I suppose, back in the day when they released the Elder, they might have said that this is the best album they've done.
Yeah, but later on we all know what happened. But still, this fact (of setting the bar with every album) must do a certain pressure on you so you feel the obligation to do certain things, to do everything possible and push it to the limit?
Markus: Yes, it's always competing with yourself and also having the evolution in music.
Jukka: It's a mature thing - aspiring to be better, to make it more substantial, to make it music-wise and take it to the next level in that way and I think there is nothing wrong that sometimes you get it but at least for us I think we've been able to do it.
To quote the lines from the song "Frontier" that I love very much: "For ones no frontiers, for some - just frontiers". This is a good life motto to be tattooed. Have you actually seen band-dedicated tattoos? What do you think of this in general? Does this freak you out or makes you proud?
Markus: We've seen many OG designs on people and it's always very cool to see that people want to get your logo on their skin. It's amazing.
Jukka: There is nothing freaky about it. People do tattoos of a variety of things, of what they see as important. In their own personal life, if they want to have it on their skin - just go for it.
Markus: One of the weirdest tattoos I saw was the artwork featured on the cover of "Beyond" all over the shoulder.
It's been hell of a year for you already - you've toured not only in Europe, but also in China, Japan and South Korea. What's your biggest impression of the tour? Which countries and venues you will always remember as musicians?
Jukka: I think the good and the bad equally. You know, it has to be truth about this. There are some venues all around the world that are not the best in so many ways and there are those which are very-very cool. I think that people are the most important in that sense that we've been managing to represent ourselves that way that people who are enjoying the shows and having really good memories. I think those kind of reactions to be given from the people who are coming to the shows are the ones that we'll remember also.
For example in Japan there is a tradition in their country of bringing gifts and stuff. That is always so touching to get them from people that are making something themselves, some dolls or posters, for example. That sort of reaction to our music is very touching. For example in China one lady made dolls out of wax - all the band members, and that is really something special, something to remember.
You've toured with many musicians, including Eluveitie, Rotting Christ, Draconian, Amorphis and many more. With whom did you like to perform the most and with whom would you dream to be touring in the future?
Jukka: I think I liked Dark Tranquility the most.
Markus: We've toured a lot with Dark Tranquility. It would be cool to continue that... with our Swedish boys! That's a really good company, so easy going.
Jukka: If I would choose one group to tour with, music-wise for example Soilwork would be nice, and the couple of other acts, like Amon Amarth and stuff like that would be really cool.
I would definitely go to see that. Well, what are your plans for 2017? You've been booked for the metal cruise 70000 tons of metal and you Markus are actually going there second year in a row, because last time you've been there with Insomnium, congrats on that!
Markus: 2017 - it's a lot of shows coming. Caribbeans, possibly some south near there, and new European tour coming. Next in line is almost two months in USA with Sonata Arctica - a lot of touring ahead, and finally after that a new album!
Circle of life!
Jukka: It continues, it never ends!
All right! Talking about Insomnium, how difficult is it for you to work in two bands at the same time, does it create any difficulties?
Markus: Yeah...
Do you have a life? (everyone laughs)
Markus: Can I call this life? Life and death metal... Well, like I said, it is pretty hard to manage to do both, we had a lot of gigs with Insomnium back in the day and all the free days I had from Insomnium I've recorded OG album and vice versa. So... everything was metal back then. I still like some free days. I still like my home sofa. This double duty had made me a busy man! But that is what I always wanted to do!
As a guitarist how often do you practice off tour to stay in shape? What advices can you give to the beginners?
Markus: It requires a lot, sometimes practice a lot, and sometimes... not :) And now, it's more a "not" period. But it's been so much gigs, so that does the business. But for the beginning guitarists it's like...
Practicing and practicing?
Markus: Play slow! Don't start to play fast! Learn to play slow by a metronome, do some exercises and play with the albums - that's what I always did when I was young, playing along with the CDs kind of like band rehearsals with your favorite bands. And learning the songs with your own ear, it's very important for your musical evolution.
Who inspired you to be musicians? And whom would you be in life if it was not for the music? If you weren't musicians, who would you be? Have you ever thought of that? Or was it, like, music from the very beginning and nothing else?
Jukka: Well, that was always the goal, but I can think of a variety of things I could do. I used to teach in elementary school, and that was an important thing to do for my standards of life.. or something to do with people in general.
Who inspired you to join the musical path?
Jukka: Great songs, musicians and bands that I heard when I was a kid.
And you, Markus?
Markus: I always wanted to be Paul Stanley when I was a kid, so I didn't have any other goals. And still don't have, stuck in this road!
Any words of wisdom for your Russian fans?
Markus (in Russian): Kharasho! (good)
Interview by: Maria Molodtsova Photo credit: band's official site, Alexander Khoroshilov We would like to thank Spika Concert Agency and Markus Vanhala for making the interview happen.
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