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1 Августа 2023

Arogya Interview

«Music knows no boundaries»

русская версия

This year Indian rockers  AROGYA decided to please the public with a new concept album SuperNatural. The mystical record was released on the German label Out of Line Music on May 19, 2023 and contains 11 tracks under artwork generated with the help of Artificial Intelligence. 

Интервью с AROGYA

Just recently you presented the new album SuperNatural. What was the trigger that made you realize it was time to release new material? How long did it take you to come up with new ideas for the album?

Hello Jenet ! Thank you so much for this highly anticipated interview with METALKING!

Well, the idea of "SuperNatural" has been simmering since we first embarked on our musical journey on Genesis (previous Album). We planted countless seeds of creativity and crafted catchy toplines which we later develop into songs for SuperNatural Album after the release of Genesis in 2021. Emerging from the Pandemic era, this album became our savior, our weapon against the dark clouds of depression. It infused hope into our souls when we thought things would never return to normal. So the creation of SuperNatural is like the musical superhero to our heart and mind, fighting off the villains of despair with groovy beats and uplifting melodies.

I've watched your clips and I can tell it's more like short films. Maybe in a couple of years we can expect a real big movie from the band? Or at least something like a documentary? Or video diaries about how you create, shoot your videos, write music, travel?

Wow, thank you for checking out our clips! Haha… We're thrilled that you noted our creative endeavors in short films/ music videos. It's our way of bringing our music to life and telling stories that go hand in hand with our songs themes and lyrics. We love being able to connect with our audience in such a visual and engaging way! It’s an interesting idea that you have brought up! We already have some behind the scenes & video diaries on our YouTube Channel. You never know what surprises we might have in store for our audience in the future. We're all about creating something amazing that will impact our fans!

Your new album is called SuperNatural. Do you yourself believe in something Supernatural or esoteric? 

As artists, we draw inspiration from a wide range of experiences and ideas, and we know there are things out there beyond our comprehension. We believe that there are mysteries and paranormal activities in the world that even science can't fully explain, especially in India, a land full of the spiritual and mystical. In fact, many of us in the band have had personal encounters with the unknown that we can't quite put into words. The influence of these other-worldly experiences led us to explore themes that touch upon the supernatural or esoteric.

We find that music has a way of transcending boundaries and connecting with people on a deeper level. Whether you personally believe in something supernatural or not, we hope that our album SuperNatural, resonates with you and ignites your imagination. Our goal is to take you on a journey through our music, where you can escape to extraordinary realms and let the music transport you to new dimensions.

Интервью с AROGYA

On this album you also work with your producer from your previous album. Have you had any thoughts of changing teams for something new in your sound?

Working with our amazing producer, Chris Harms (Lord of the Lost) again on our latest project, was an absolute blast! We had an incredible connection, understanding and creative synergy with Chris that we knew continuing our collaboration was the perfect choice to build upon the foundation we had already established.

There might have been a part of us that wondered about exploring new collaborations and bringing in fresh perspectives. But we firmly believe in the power of consistency and trust when it comes to the creative process. Chris totally got our artistic vision, understood our strengths and weaknesses, and had an uncanny understanding of our sound.

We also value the chemistry and friendship we shared with Chris, and we truly believe it played a significant role in the overall cohesiveness and quality of the album. Chris even invited our vocalist and manager to Germany to record the vocals in his Chameleon Studios Hamburg to ensure top notch production quality!

Speaking of influences. Is your current sound only a product of your collective mind, or does some inspiration come from the contemporary bands you listen to?

Our musical journey is an exciting blend of our individual influences, hailing from diverse musical backgrounds. It's amazing how we bring together various genres onto one plate while ensuring our hooks remain at the heart of our sound. For SuperNatural, the main songwriter is RAIN, aided by Mr G who complement with some fiery guitar riffs and Deadnoxx for synth parts.

While we're always open to discovering new bands, we've noticed a commonality in contemporary artists these days, where they tend to share a similar sound. We miss the times when each band had its own distinct identity and visual flair, which made the music scene so vibrant two decades ago.

Who was the main artist/designers and who designed the cover for your new release? 

When it comes to handling all things creative, our very own bassist and percussionist extraordinaire, RUI, takes the reins. But guess what? This time, we decided to shake things up and dive into the world of AI for our artwork! RAIN has been the mastermind behind the creations with RUI handling the editing & final touches. It's been an absolute mind-blowing experience!

This powerful tool has the ability to take your wildest imagination and bring it to life in ways we never thought possible. We're all about experimenting and pushing the boundaries of creativity, and this new technology is the epitome of the new era we're living in and which adds a whole new dimension to our artistic vision.

Интервью с AROGYA

One of your songs is called "Queen of the Damned". Are you big fans of the movie of the same name?

Our lyricist cum band manager Janice was a big fan of author Anne Rice who wrote a series of book on vampires which was later adapted into famous movies “Interview with the Vampire” & “Queen of the Damned”. We are absolutely loved those movies and both books and movies, inspired the theme of our song with the blend of gothic vibes, the supernatural elements of vampire and the allure of dark powers.

In our version, the Queen of the Damned song is about the dark vampire queen tempting the innocent & enslaving willing souls. Drawing from the symbolism of a timeless tale, it shows that the intensity and captivating power of temptation will draw one into the world of darkness and the eternal longings for love, the curse of immortality and loneliness. The vampire queen represents pure seduction, the allure of beauty, wrapped in sin and darkness, the ultimate power of making a person surrender to one's own dark impulses.

This August you are going to a Fort Novorock festival in Russia. Is this your first visit to Russia?  What do you expect from this event? 

We buzzing with excitement about the FORT NOVOROK Festival! It's got us all pumped up but we must admit, we're feeling a touch of nervousness too. The ongoing war adds a sprinkle of uncertainty to the mix, however we firmly believe that music knows no boundaries!

This will be our very first time in Russia! It is a dream to venture into the vastness of this incredible country, soaking up its rich culture and immersing ourselves in the energy of its people. It's like stepping into a whole new world, and we're beyond thrilled to make memories that will last a lifetime. Meeting new people and sharing our music with an audience who may have never heard of us before, is totally a musical adventure for us to break down barriers and connect through the universal language of melodies and lyrics.

We're ready to rock your side of the world, and we know you'll definitely rock ours!

I have an interesting question, do you know any Russian bands or musicians?

We've definitely jammed to the infectious tunes of t.A.T.u, rocked out to AKADO, and grooved to the sounds of ARIA. And we can't wait to dive even deeper into the Russian music scene at the FORT NOVOROCK festival!

Интервью с AROGYA

And tell me, is there any song you would never play live for some reason?

Uhm.. actually we can't think of any song that we wouldn't play live. We pour our hearts and souls into each and every one of our creations and they all have their own unique stories to tell. Each song represents a special moment in our journey as artists. No song is off-limits when it comes to our live performances.

Tell me, does the band have any rituals or traditions at festivals or concerts? Something that helps keep the team spirit alive?

Ahhh…. our band's team spirit is so naturally electrifying that we don't need any mystical rituals to get in the groove… haha!!  We've considered doing a rain dance once, but we're afraid it might attract a little too much water to our precious instruments. So instead, we just rely on our mutual passion for music, a few deep breaths and the occasional group hug (which we swear is totally manly). That's all it takes to keep the magic alive on stage and have a rockin' good time with the crowd! No secret potions or dancing around campfires required. We're all about staying focused, united as a team and channeling our energy into delivering an unforgettable show.

What is the most significant achievement of the band for you at the moment?

There are many milestones that are important to us from the release of each album, to getting signed internationally with Out of Line Music in Germany but most importantly, we are incredibly passionate about what we do and that in itself is a source of pride for us. Our journey as a band is filled with moments of growth, creativity, and collaboration. We are constantly honing our skills, refining our sound, and pushing ourselves to new heights. Every step forward, every song created, and every performance given is an achievement in its own right.

Интервью с AROGYA

Is it easy to be, let's say, a new band in the age of gadgets and Tik-tok?

Oh, the trials of being a new band in the age of gadgets and TikTok! It's like a wild rollercoaster ride with its own set of challenges and opportunities but we're all about creating music that truly speaks to people's hearts, no matter what the trends or algorithms say.

Platforms like YouTube and TikTok have revolutionized traditional mechanisms, providing an open stage for emerging artists to connect directly with global audiences and redefining the music landscape. Now, here's the twist: TikTok is currently banned in India,  even though TikTok may be off the table, we're not letting that affect us. Nonetheless, we continue to explore other digital platforms to share our music and engage with our fans.

Before an interview I usually read the comments under new videos of musicians, to be more prepared. Do you read the comments people write to you?

Absolutely! We love to go through all the comments and stay connected with our fans and friends. It's an incredible feeling to see people appreciate our hard work, passion and giving us feedbacks on our songs. It's like a burst of dopamine that keeps us going! We're so grateful for the support and encouraging words we receive and it motivates us to keep doing what we love. Once in a while we do get some negative comments too but that’s fine, we take what is constructive and improve on it.

And the last question: your message to the fans?

We're counting down the days until FORT NOVOROCK, and we couldn't be more excited to see all of you there! It's going to be an epic celebration and loads of unforgettable moments. So come on over and join us there! We can't wait to connect with each and every one of you. Let’s rock it at FORT NOVOROCK!

Much love from AROGYA!

Jenet Bonishi

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