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30 Января 2024

Interview with Dero

«A satirical reflection of the late roman decadence»

русская версия

German musician Dero Goi has been known to the public for decades for projects such as "Oomph!", "What About Bill?", "Die Kreatur", collaborations with various musicians, and solo projects. However, Dero has now chosen to float freely on a solo voyage with his new project "DERO GOI". The musician promises a new album with satirical but fresh material and a reinterpreted look at his past work.

 Интервью с Dero

You have devoted many years of your life to music. Many musicians start to have health, voice and hearing problems because of their hard work. How do you keep yourself in shape and save your wonderful voice?

DERO: First of all, thanks a lot for your nice words! To be honest, I don?t do much. I sleep 8 hours a night, drink a lot of water, and try to eat healthy things. I have two dogs, so I must go out with them daily for a walk. Besides this, I have never smoked and I do abhor liquor! Of course, you also should know your limits concerning your voice and not overdo it during the live situation and recording sessions.

As far as I know, you're signed to a new label right now. Do you feel that now you have more freedom for creativity and self-expression?

DERO: Absolutely! I am 100 percent free to express myself the way I want to, whether it?s about lyrics and music or about music videos and interviews. Freedom of speech, art and expression has always been a very precious thing to me!

Can your new video be named a satire on the situation in the media and contemporary art?

DERO: Sure. It?s a satirical reflection of the late roman decadence, it?s blatant narcissism and utter idiocracy that always come along with a former high culture that?s is in the current state of decay!

What is an unacceptable thing in art to you?

DERO: The exploitation of children, women, adult human beings in general and animals!

The sound of your music has a little bit changed... Some people say that it's no longer metal and rock'n'roll or "tru gothic" music. In your opinion, who is your new music for?

DERO: Well, to me, the main thing about existence always used to be constant change. That?s why repetition is absolutely boring to me as an artist and I?m sure that most of the artists just remain the same for commercial reasons and a false understanding of security. If you don?t dare to reflect your personal changes within in your music, you eventually begin to lie to your audience. The question is, if people really want to be lied to? On the other hand, a band or musician that does not change or evolve a bit over a long period of time musically could also mean, that the people within the band or the solo artist do not develop at all which was even more sad if you ask me...

Was it hard for you to break away from your usual stage image as a rock rebel?

DERO: Not at all! I have already tried out many different styles, like f.e. my rather jazzy swing project "What About  Bill"? I was never afraid to explore new musical dimensions. With my current project "DERO GOI" I went back to my teenage years which were mainly influenced by bands like "Depeche Mode", "Soft Cell", "Eurythmics" and "The Cure", just to mention a few.

Are you currently working on the new album alone, without the help of other musicians?

DERO: I am working absolutely self-sufficienty concerning the lyrics and the songwriting. When it comes to the necessity of a guitar-solo I consult a friend of mine who is a very good guitar player.

What can be called the main theme of your work at this stage?

DERO: Satirical, yet Hopeful Dystopian Retro-Synth!

How do you manage to deal with the comments of haters? Maybe you think that there is too much hate on the Internet and people don't know how to express their point of view politely?

DERO: I try and understand them. As a singer and frontman you are a target for everything, whether it?s adoration or hate. You need to be able to deal with this grotesque and somtemes frightening behavior of fans, otherwise you should quit with being a musician! As a born again follower of Jesus Christ, I must love my neighbor and even those who hate me! So, I bless them in prayer and ask Christ to forgive and save them as he forgave and saved me, as I was as spiteful and judgmental as them myself for a very long time...

Интервью с Dero

Are there things you regret?

DERO: Sure. IMHO just a total ignoramus would regret absolutely nothing in their life! But I can?t turn back time, I just can try and make it better. As long as you?re willing to reflect on yourself honestly, you can improve yourself with the help of God!

What's more important to you, public recognition or being able to say and do what you want without boundaries?

 DERO: By far the second! Of course, freedom is far more important to me than blatant narcissism! The music biz is so self-absorbed that it leaves not much space for humility. That?s why it?s an extremely dangerous territory for born again believers in Jesus Christ! You definitely need divine protection to fight this spiritual war within yourself and the biz!

 Do you still plan to work on any of your other projects, like What About Bill?

 DERO: I have many ideas for even more projects! Let?s see what the future brings...

From time to time I ask different musicians what 7 things can make this world a better place. In your opinion, what 7 things can help the world?


1.JESUS CHRIST (NOT RELIGION! Because He is the only one who died for the sins of the world because He loves us and resurrected on the third day! Only in Him God manifested physically! He is the only one who can grant you eternal life in paradise!)

2.THE BIBLE (the Word of God is very necessary if we want to understand why the world is like it is and how we can be forgiven!)

3.LOVE (the only power to destroy all demonic forces that are at their unholy work here in this fallen world is the true LOVE in Jesus Christ!)

4.HUMILITY (the only thing that opposes the blatant megalomania of this crazy and narcissistic world is humility!)

5.PEACE (as soon as you have found inner peace in Christ - NOT IN RELIGION! - you don?t need to exploit others or abuse substances to feel satisfied anymore!)

6.SOBRIETY (if you don?t want to get deceived by this cunning matrix full of lies, you need to stay sober physically and spiritually!)

7.RESILIENCE (if you want to withstand the wicked temptations of this deceptive world, you need to evolve much resilience! This wicked matrix only wants to destroy your body and your soul so that you are too numb to find Christ who is the only door that leads out of the matrix!)

 What albums have been your favorites lately?

 DERO: The American Recordings of Johnny Cash!

 Are you still in touch with your coworkers and friends from your "old life"?

 DERO: We are not at war with each other but we have quit communication as soon as the whole divorce was finished. I wish them all the best in the world!

Do you feel more responsibility for what you do now, for your art and for everything you say, than you did when you were younger?

 DERO: Sure. As a true follower of Christ you know that everything you say or do has consequences for which you will be held accountable sooner or later...

 And a word or two for our readers...

 DERO: I wish you and your loved ones a blessed and wonderful 2024 full of love, peace and joy!

Jenet Bonishi

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