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24 Апреля 2024

Interview with Hideous Divinity

«Music is a beautiful answer to a frightening question»

русская версия

Situated in Rome and comprised of members from Aborted, Hideous Divinity sound is firmly grounded in the old school yet possesses technical elements, coupled with a touch of blackened atmosphere. "The Numinous One" serves as an initial preview of what the band has prepared for listeners this year. They add on they new album announcement: “Unextinct sets a new milestone for Hideous Divinity, another step towards musical unspoken terror and frenzy. Every song has become a world with its own dissonances and rules made to be broken. A soundtrack of a shipwreck with the best sound production we've ever had: our brother Stefano "Saul" Morabito at 16th Cellar Studios really outdid himself.

Интервью с Hedious Divinity<br />

What has changed for you in the music business over the past few years? 

Hi, Enrico H. here (voice)!

The last few years have been really challenging for the music business. Traveling costs, merchandise production—everything has become more and more expensive, and this has a huge impact on tours, gigs, whatever.The only thing that I can see still strong and powerful is the passion for music of fans and musicians.

Let's imagine a situation where you meet someone who doesn't know anything about your music. What would you like to tell him about yourself and your art? 

We are nice people with a lot of inner demons. Therefore, we pay death metal. Wanna listen?

Is it hard to write album after album and not repeat yourself in lyrics or notes?

Yes, and no.

Of course, the more albums you write, the more often you start working on a solution and suddenly realize you've already used it, but it’s not a big deal. I mean, for each minute of music, there is such an amount of work that some extra hour in revision is not a problem.

Inspiration is still here and stronger than ever, luckily.

From a technical point of view, what was the most challenging part of making the new album?

The composition and the arrangement. When you pass the fifth minute, things get really hard ahahah

Seriously, we tried to build something that was storytelling; we searched for something different from what we were used to, and the results, to my ears, sound more similar to musical theater than the listen-consume-throw-away format that rules the streaming platforms. It has been hard to deal with it.

What's your favorite lyric from the new album? And why? 

“More than Many Never One”. I really don’t know why, but I really feel it.

Интервью с Hedious Divinity<br />
How important is the visual part of your art to you?

 Pretty important. Unfortunately, we don’t have all the money necessary to produce all the things we would like, but we try our best. These days, we are working on something crazy for the new single, and I can’t wait to share it with the world!

Have you ever taught someone to play an instrument? Did you enjoy the experience?

 I teach extreme singing, and I actually enjoy it a lot. To help someone express himself or herself is an incredible experience.

What's the best advice another musician has given you?

“You don’t occupy the bathroom when a band is about to hit the stage," said Alex Webster during the Cannibal Corpse, Krisiun, and Hideous Divinity European tour in 2016.It may sound stupid, but it’s damn important. Show respect to the bands that are playing the same night you are playing. Don’t take something for yourself when someone else may need it more urgently than you.

Can you tell us about your first music teacher? What lessons did you learn that you still use today?

My piano teacher… strange guy, but he taught me music theory and solfeggio. And you always use music theory and solfeggio, so thank you, Alfio!

What kinds of music or musicians do you think will be remembered 100 years from now? 

We won’t survive 100 years. Problem solved. 

What would you say is the main theme of your new release? 

The Nosferatu. The struggle of mankind in a world not intended for us. Facing the fascinating rotten face of reality while trying to find your place—a place that never existed.

What's the strangest thing your fans have given you? 

A gigantic wooden Hideous Divinity logo a Canadian fan sent me years ago. It’s HUGE and it’s beautiful!!!

And a word or two for all the music lovers...

Music is a beautiful answer to a frightening question.Keep on asking.

(We are grateful for the help of Niels Andersen, Oktober Promotion in creating the interview.)

Jenet Bonishi

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